Gap to Growth Program

Masters Level interns providing FREE mental health therapy services. Growing the next generation of mental health counselors while bridging the gap for those needing mental health counseling services.

We are so excited to share our Gap to Growth Program.

As you may be aware, the demand for skilled mental health counselors in our communities has not decreased. We are passionately working to bridge that gap!

Through our Gap to Growth program, our aim is to provide quality training to masters level counseling students while providing needed mental health therapy services in our community. These services are provided at NO COST and students are supervised by a seasoned licensed clinician.

As we gear up for the 2024-2025 academic year, our team has officially offered two practicum and internship positions, and they were accepted! The anticipation keeps building, and we can't wait to unveil the details of these incredible individuals and how they will be serving the Story County community. Stay tuned for more updates – the best is yet to come!

If you are interested in making an appointment to see one of our interns, you can call 515-233-1699 to set up an appointment.

Mental Health Counseling

Gap to Growth Internship Program

Free Mental Health Therapy

Masters Level Counseling Training

Community Mental Health Services

No Cost Counseling

Licensed Clinician Supervision

Practicum and Internship Positions

2024-2025 Academic Year

Story County Community

Impactful Mental Health Services

Positive Change in Ames

Healthy Community

Enhancing Lives

Support for Mental Health

Victories in Mental Health

Healthier, Happier Future

Community Support

CCS (organization acronym)

Ames Mental Health Services

2023 Gap to Growth Stats



CCS has 109 FREE mental health therapy sessions in 2023. You read that right…over 100 free sessions to individuals in Story County.

This more than just a number; it's a testament to the incredible impact we're making together. Every session has the potential to enhance someone’s life, thereby enhancing our entire community. We are beyond excited about the positive change we're bringing to Ames and Story County. Let's keep the momentum going – more sessions, more support, and more victories in the journey to a healthier, happier future!